Unfortunately, I can't really see myself updating the blog much anymore.
I lapsed on it when Suzanne was here and am so far behind that it seems
a bit irrecoverable. The main reason however is the lack of computer
A lot of the computers I've come across have limited timeslots with a
waiting list of hikers wanting to check email or upload photos.
Sometimes (like right now), I can find a library where I can actually
sit down and type a few e-mails but library hours are usually the best
walking hours and not every town (there's a lot of small ones on the
trail) have a library or their hours are irregular and sometimes the
library is a 2-3 mile walk from the center (American towns are built for cars)
That and early on a found a lot of computers in hostels and motels. That
was in the southern states where accommodation prices were cheap so I
was quite happy to stay at a motel and use the computer there after
hours. Now I'm in the northern states the prices have skyrocketed and on
average the prices have doubled and in some places tripled which means
that my cheapskate personality rules that I don't spend nights in towns
and my access to computers has drastically reduced.
I don't really want to do blanket updates because for me most of the
fun/good stories are in the small details and when you do big updates
you miss those ones out .