Ok, back from a dip in the springs…
Nothing sexier than 6 grown men with blistered feet wearing
hiking shorts crammed into a hot tub. Despite that it was great to soak in the
mineral waters and chew the fat and I feel a lot more relaxed.
Ok so where I left off last post I was soaked but drying ok,
running a little short on food as I had underestimated a little but still
nothing too bad, I still had 2 power bars, 2 ‘granola’ (museli) bars, 2 packets
of pasta and a packet of tuna. The rain kept going all night and into the
morning and I wasn’t prepared to take a ‘zero day’ (no mile day) as we planned
to take one at Hot Springs and I didn’t really have enough food to do that. Instead
I packed as much of my gear that I could whilst into the tent, put on my wet
hiking clothes (and boots.. squelch) then tore down the tent and shoved it into
the backpack.
Day 6 walking, whilst technically not in the Smokies anymore
I still group it together as I regard going into town as the start/end point of
each ‘session’. Day 6 was wet, soaking, continual dripping wet. Day 6 was cold,
freezing, bitterly cold. Day 6 added a new dimension to the walk, some unvegetated
summits which were more like the rolling moors in scotland with icy cold wind
blasting unhindered by any trees.
I hiked onward, there was no point stopping anywhere as
there wasn’t any shelter and I wanted to catch up to John and Dallas (who were
actually behind me. I hiked for 10 miles until I came to a shelter frozen, numb
and cold. I’d eaten one of the pasta packs for breakfast and had planned to
only have 1 power bar for lunch but the cold had leeched everything out of me
so I ended up putting on warm clothes and eating everything I had except the
tuna and pasta pack (for dinner) and 1 muesli bar (for breakfast). After lunch
I was feeling a bit more human and luckily there were no more windswept summits
ahead so I pushed on. As I came across other crazy hikers I’d ask them if they’d
seen the boys and I would get vague responses which convinced me that they were
still ahead. Then the temperature started to drop and when I got to the next
shelter the hikers there told me that it was forecast for 20 degrees farenheit.
Now I knew that was going to be cold, but for some reason I thought 0 degrees
farenheit = 0 degrees celcius, so I thought well at least it wont be freezing.
However as I’m now aware 32 degrees farenheit = 0 degrees celcius and believe
me it makes a difference. Blissfully unaware I found a nice campsite about 10
miles out of Hot Springs, at altitude and set up my wet camp, unfortunately a
stick had ripped my garbage bag and the bottom of my backpack had got wet which
meant the end of my sleeping bag had got soaked. As I was cooking dinner Dallas
came into camp, he’d been chasing me all day and even run up Bluff Mountain in
order to catch up. There wasn’t much time for civilties though as it was
getting really cold and we had to try and warm up for the night ahead. It was a
miserable night for me.. I couldn’t stretch out my legs or else my feet would
get wet and I only had the bare minimum clothes on as everything else was
soaked. Still I managed to sleep eventually and woke up to find the tent
covered in snow and everything that had been wet frozen.
Try to picture this, me with numb hands trying to take down
my tent (of which the fly is held by clasps which had frozen) every 10 seconds
or so blowing onto my hands to try and get them to work. I couldn’t for the
life of me get the poles out as they are tensioned into slots but luckily
Dallas is from cold country and did it for me. He also had to tie my shoelaces
as I couldn’t grip them either lol.
Finally the nightmare of breaking camp was over and we ran
down Bluff mountain (2-3 miles) by which time my feet began to get feeling.
Dallas said it was just a bit of sleet but I’m not calling my 2nd
time in snow sleet and I’m also calling the small specks of falling snow that
morning a blizzard.
I’ll definitely give the points to the Smokies for that
morning as I felt like a big baby having to ask to get my shoelaces tied. Still
at least I feel like I’ve earnt this zero day today, it’s a hard life when you
get to have a holiday inside a holiday
And no… there’s no ‘Return of the Smokies’ planned
This sounds really tough going, but interesting reading. Maybe carry a bit more food?